- biochemical pleiotropy
- биохимическая плейотропия
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Evolution of ageing — Enquiry into the evolution of ageing aims to explain why almost all living things weaken and die with age. There is not yet agreement in the scientific community on a single answer. The evolutionary origin of senescence remains a fundamental… … Wikipedia
antagonistische Pleiotropie — Die antagonistische Pleiotropie ist ein Erklärungsmodell für das Altern von Organismen, die sich geschlechtlich fortpflanzen. Die Theorie wurde 1957 von dem US amerikanischen Evolutionsbiologen George C. Williams aufgestellt. Sie wird den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
genetic disease, human — Introduction any of the diseases and disorders that are caused by mutations in one or more genes (gene). With the increasing ability to control infectious and nutritional diseases in developed countries, there has come the realization … Universalium
DNA repair — For the journal, see DNA Repair (journal). DNA damage resulting in multiple broken chromosomes DNA repair refers to a collection of processes by which a cell identifies and corrects damage to the DNA molecules that encode its genome. In human… … Wikipedia
Altern — Die Zeit befiehlt dem Alter, die Schönheit zu zerstören, Ölgemälde von Pompeo Batoni aus dem Jahr 1746 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Старение (биология) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Старение. Старая женщина. Анн Поудер 8 апреля 1917 года в свой 110 й день рождения. Сморщенная и сухая кожа типичный признак старения человека … Википедия
Старение человека — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Старение. Старение человека как и старение других организмов, это биологический процесс постепенной деградации частей и систем тела человека и последствия этого процесса. Тогда как… … Википедия
Protein moonlighting — Crystallographic structure of cytochrome P450 from the bacteria S. coelicolor (rainbow colored cartoon, N terminus = blue, C terminus = red) complexed with heme cofactor (magenta spheres) and two molecules of its endogenous substrate epi… … Wikipedia
Marker assisted selection — or marker aided selection (MAS) is a process whereby a marker (morphological, biochemical or one based on DNA/RNA variation) is used for indirect selection of a genetic determinant or determinants of a trait of interest (i.e. productivity,… … Wikipedia
Phenotype — For a non technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. The shells of individuals within the bivalve mollusk species Donax variabilis show diverse coloration and patterning in their phenotypes A phenotype is an organism s… … Wikipedia
Epistasis — See Epistaxis for the condition known colloquially as a nosebleed. See Epitasis for the main action of a classical drama. See Epitaxy for the method of depositing a monocrystalline film on a monocrystalline substrate. See also: Quantitative Trait … Wikipedia